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Chia oats in jars topped with fresh blueberries

Daily Nutrition & Well-being

​​Chia Blueberry Overnight Oats​

2 portions

15 mins

15 mins

​​If you are looking for a tasty and nutritious breakfast option, you just found it. Prepared with Formula 1 Vanilla Cream flavour and Protein Drink Mix, this dish is high in protein, and is also a great source of fibre.*​

*Only when prepared as instructed on the label do our products deliver the full nutrition benefits described on that label. Please check product labels for full information on nutritional values.

​​Nutritional Information​

Nutrients per serving:


  • Energy: 271 kcal
  • Protein: 19 g 
  • Carbohydrate: 34 g 
  • Fat: 7 g 
  • Fibre: 8 g 
  • Sugar: 9 g 




  • Mash the blueberries first before adding it to the mixture.