Balancing protein and why it’s important
Herbalife 5 January 2025
As protein serves so many important bodily functions, it’s crucial you get your daily intake right, based on your weight and muscle mass. Protein is a macronutrient made up of 21 ‘building blocks’ called amino acids, which support muscle mass growth, and muscle and bone maintenance.
The right balance
The most accurate method to calculate protein requirement is with your lean body mass (weight without fat content), but you can just use your overall body weight as a guide. The calculation using body weight in kg, is to multiply that weight by 1.5 and this gives a reasonable target for your daily protein intake in grams. So, someone who weighs 64kg should aim for about 100g of protein a day.
Protein sources
Soy is one of the best vegetable sources as it is a ‘complete protein' providing all 9 essential amino acids. Others are nuts, seeds and lentils, but as ‘incomplete proteins', you'll need to include varied sources to garner the benefits that each provides. You can be confident when using our range of healthy shakes, that they contain the complete proteins needed to support your nutritional needs.
Upping your protein
As a rough guide, common sources of protein food contain around 25 g of protein and protein snacks (e.g. Herbalife Nutrition Protein Bars) contain around 10 g. If you need to up your protein, meal replacement or protein shakes can bridge that gap, and be tailored to your personal needs. Look at Formula 1Healthy Meal, Formula 1Savoury Meal or Tri Blend Select and Protein Drink Mix Vegan for vegan friendly options.
Meet your protein needs
Keeping up with your daily protein intake can be easy.
Our range of protein products are a convenient way to ensure your daily recommended protein levels stay on target.
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