Can Herbalife products cause kidney failure?
No, Herbalife products do not cause kidney failure. All Herbalife products are completely safe to use but if you are unsure about the specific nutrition requirements for your body, contact your healthcare provider to advise further. Like most nutrition companies, we use ingredients like protein, caffeine, potassium, phosphorus and others, always in the amounts based on the %RI: Reference Intake for a healthy-living individual. Herbalife products contain ingredients that are naturally sourced and the nutrients that we use are vital to maintaining balanced nutrition.
However, we recommend that people with impaired kidney function or chronic kidney disease should always consult their renal dietitian or healthcare provider, before making any changes in their diet. Kidney failure may be caused by extreme protein intake, high doses of caffeine and intolerances to certain foods.
Is it okay for me to consume Herbalife products if I have a chronic kidney condition?
If you are unsure about the specific nutrition requirements for your body, contact your healthcare provider to advise further.
Our protein shakes such as Tri Blend Select contain 20 grams of protein per serving. Individuals with chronic kidney disease, looking to substitute a meal or a snack with a high-protein shake, must understand which nutrients their bodies need to avoid any potential kidney implications.
All of our high-protein products are formulated to contribute to the maintenance and growth of muscle mass and maintenance of normal bones. Our Formula 1 meal replacement, Healthy Meal shake provides 18 grams of protein and contains 25 vitamins and minerals (based upon the %RI: Reference Intake for a healthy-living individual), including vitamin D which contributes to the normal function of the immune system.
Potassium and Phosphorus
In our Formula 1 Vanilla Cream shake, there is 342 mg of phosphorus and 682 mg of potassium per 250 ml of the made-up product (when prepared with a soy beverage, as directed on the product labels).
In comparison with our Formula 1 Strawberry Delight which has 466 mg of phosphorus and 768 mg of potassium per 250 ml of the made-up product (when prepared with a soy beverage, as directed on the product labels).
People with kidney disease who are on potassium-restricted diets usually need to keep their potassium intake below 2,000 mg per day – as recommended by the National Kidney Foundation. It is also recommended that people with kidney disease (who are not on dialysis) eat between 800-1000 mg of phosphorus per day.
As shown above, our Formula 1 flavours differ in ingredient measurements, this is due to our variation in flavours. It’s important to always check the labels before consuming, to make sure you’re getting accurate measurements of the vitamins and minerals within the product.
Individual servings of some Herbalife products contain slightly less caffeine than an average cup of coffee. One cup of coffee has approximately 85 mg to 100 mg of caffeine. Herbalife products with caffeine include: Instant Herbal Beverage with approximately 87.5 mg per serving; High Protein Iced Coffee with 80 mg per serving; Liftoff® tablets with 75 mg per serving; Liftoff® Max sachets with 180 mg per serving.
1. COMMISSION REGULATION (EU) No 432/2012 of 16 May 2012 establishing a list of permitted health claims made on foods, other than those referring to the reduction of disease risk and to children’s development and health.