29 April 2022
12:00 am
Herbalife’s Second Simply Recycle Challenge Aims for More Positive Impact to Planet
Herbalife, celebrated Earth Day on April 22 by launching its Asia Pacific Simply Recycle Challenge for the second consecutive year. The Challenge is part of the company’s Go Green initiative in Asia Pacific, aimed at encouraging Herbalife distributors and independent Nutrition Club owners in 14 markets across the region to recycle their used Herbalife product canisters.
“We introduced the Challenge last year as part of our commitment to environmental sustainability, and were delighted by the enthusiastic response, with an impressive 712,232 product canisters submitted for recycling by our distributors,” said Stephen Conchie, Regional President, Herbalife Asia Pacific and China. “This year, we are aiming for recycling even more canisters, and planting more trees through our partnership with One Tree Planted, thus boosting our positive impact to the planet.”
By again partnering with the non-profit organization One Tree Planted, Herbalife will help make the Earth a little greener – for every 50 canisters recycled by participants, the company will plant one tree for them. The partnership will contribute to improving the health of the planet, in particular, by reducing the effects of climate change. According to One Tree Planted, a tree on average absorbs about 10 kilograms of carbon dioxide per year for the first 20 years, a principal greenhouse gas that is associated with climate change.
With a bigger goal to achieve, the Simply Recycle Challenge will span five months rather than three months last year, to September 15, and covers markets in Australia, Cambodia, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Macau, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. To incentivize participants, the top three who recycle the most canisters in each market will be rewarded with Herbalife product vouchers.
The Simply Recycle Challenge is part of Herbalife’s ongoing efforts to eliminate negative environmental impacts, in tandem with harnessing the power of plant-based proteins and ingredients in products, and reducing the use of plastic and amount of packaging.
About Herbalife Ltd.
Herbalife (NYSE: HLF) is a global company that has been changing people's lives with great nutrition products and a business opportunity for its independent distributors since 1980. The Company offers science-backed products to consumers in 95 markets through entrepreneurial distributors who provide one-on-one coaching and a supportive community that inspires their customers to embrace a healthier, more active lifestyle. Through the Company’s commitment to nourish people, communities and planet, Herbalife pledges to achieve 50 million positive impacts – tangible acts of good – by 2030, its 50th anniversary.
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